Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Samuel Flipped!

Friends and Family,
Well well well ... here it is. After nearly 3 months of being breech, Samuel has flipped! (No doubt in response to the prayers of God’s people - thank you!) This means that we don’t need to do the C-Section that was originally scheduled for Monday morning but have the option of delivering naturally - as is our preference.

Another important thing we found out this morning at our last ultrasound is that Samuel is estimated to already weigh over 9lbs. That being the case, the Drs aren’t real keen on just waiting until he decides it’s time to make his appearance. And, Sara’s OB has one open time slot (with a little rearranging) for the induction ... tomorrow morning (Wed, Feb 27)!

So ... the plan is now to be at Greenville Memorial Hospital at 5am tomorrow to begin the induction process. Colin was induced and that process, though slow at first, was eventually rather quick and (obviously) successful - in a total of about 7 hours.

Please pray that necessary plans would come together in the next (gulp!) 14hrs. Babysitters, parents in from out of town, etc etc. are details that we hadn’t been planning on dealing with until Monday, but alas, the Lord’s providence has lead us here. Pray (if I may be so bold as to request that you do) that Samuel would deliver easily and without complication or need for a C-Section.

I (and my family) remain indebted to you for your prayers, love and support. I trust Jesus will repay that debt, as I will never be able to.