Samuel had his worst night yet on Friday. From 1am to 7am he spit up every 15-20 minutes. This past week we tried a new approach to feeding - formula. Our pediatrician wanted to us see if Samuel might have a dairy allergy. Apparently many kids that have multiple issues also have a dairy allergy - so we're trying to see if that could be contributing to Samuel's spitting up. And since the 4 drugs that he's been on for reflux/spitting up haven't nipped it in the bud, we'll try something else.
At any rate, we made that change on Thursday night of this past week and attempted to increase Samuel's overnight volume by all of 10cc an hour (1/3 oz.) Friday night. After 2 hours at that rate he began spitting up. So, we're not increasing his volume yet and are just going to take things more slowly. We also dropped the Reglan that he was on, since he was obviously (to us) more fussy and still spitting (which it was what it was supposed to stop). The last 24-36 hours have been much better. Samuel has seemed much more himself - for which we're grateful. We'll see how tonight goes.
We've got a busy Dr week coming up. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings all have appointments scheduled. We'll be seeing the Audiologist (hearing) and the Ophthalmologist (vision) as well as a visit to the Pediatrician (for all three kids - shots!).
We celebrated Colin's 2nd birthday this past week. We're not really sure he 'gets it', but we had fun and he did seem to enjoy his new toys. We were also able to get away on our first date since being in Charleston on Saturday night. It was wonderful for the two of us to get away from feedings and diapers and whining and meds for even 3 hours.
Here are a few pics from this past week. Enjoy and press on.

We are friends of your parents from Carlisle BIC. Thank you so much for taking some of your precious time to keep us up to date. The pictures are awesome (our 4 1/3 grandchildren range from 1-5) and really do tell the story. We pray for your strength, as those minutes add up. We pray for wisdom for you and the medical people. Thank you for making Samuel real to us. Blessings, Rick and Diane Lytle
Grant & Sara,
I enjoy following the updates on Samuel. You and the "little fella'" are in our prayers each evening and throughout the day. The picture of Samuel and Anna Catherine is just beautiful. It captures all the innocence and beauty of your precious children.
With Love,
The Brad Ledfords
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