Monday, June 23, 2008

some recent pictures

Bedtime for AC and Colin has become a little more interesting. So we just stick Samuel in one of the big kids’ chairs while we take care of them. He is cozy and it gives them easier access for lovin’ on him.

Both AC and Colin really do love their brother (granted it can be on their terms & in their time):

Sleeping hard. He has been sleeping normally for 8-10 hours a night, though he is often awake for 30 minutes to an hour every night, normally between 3-5 am. I love his toes.

This is what his G-J tube port looks like, in case you've wondered. We can access his stomach and his small intestine through it. After Wednesday's surgery we will have yet another (it'll be the 4th) kind of port for feeding him. The idea is that after the stomach operation we'll begin feeding directly into his stomach again instead of his small intestine. In this pic you can also see his scar from his heart surgery - which is healing nicely.

Please do pray for surgery Wednesday. It should last about an hour and a half and we are likely to be in the hospital for 3-4 days following the operation. It has been wonderful having my sister-in-law (Lori) and her two kids in town (Emma and Jake). They've taken great care of us. God has taken great care of us and we are grateful.


Catherine said...

So good to see some pics of all the kids...great smiles and fun memories! Grant and Sara we are looking forward to seeing you all in August.
Continuing to lift you all up in prayer,
Catherine and Barth

Anonymous said...

As Ron & I walk our own hard path through chemo and a whole new world of cancer & lymphoma lingo, I am often reminded by the Lord to lift Samuel & the family in prayer! May our precious Father continue to carry all of us when the days seem too much!
Doris [Beachy] Lancaster