Thursday, November 20, 2008

hopefully heading home

While Samuel's agitation isn't altogether gone it is a little less intense and less frequent. He is able to be awake and relatively happy at times, but every now and again he gets quite fired up and angry. They've taken out his IV and we're making progress toward home. He isn't requiring O2 but does have some on with a little water in it so try to keep things in his nose and throat from getting too dry. The surgeon was just in and said unless Samuel has another bad episode we'd be good to head home today around lunch time.

Samuel slept okay last night, though he's been pretty much up since 5 and off and on fussy. I think he might just be getting a little stir crazy and ready to get out of the hospital - might be picking up on that same energy coming from his parents :-)

Looking forward to being in our own space soon. This has been in many ways the hardest hospitalization yet - Samuel having a hard time dealing with the pain. We've needed the strength and endurance of the Spirit. We're so grateful for your prayers.


Super Maw Maw said...

We seriously pray for you all.

Without Ceasing,
Cheryl Babington
(Judy Kay's mom)

Anonymous said...

Praying for you also,
The Davidson 5