Saturday, October 2, 2010

home and resting

We made it home around five o'clock this afternoon. It's always nice to get home and be in our own space. Kiddos are down and Samuel's asleep as well, hopefully for the night. Incision is looking good (to my untrained eyes) though it's covered up nicely by steri-strips. Indeed, the Lord has given us strength for these days and we are grateful to him for it. It is a very real comfort to know that in the midst of so much uncertainty there is One who and whose character is sure and knowable and certain. Resting in him tonight and with a prayer that you might be as well.
~ grant


Kat said...

So glad things went well this weekend. Been praying for you and will continue to. Love to all!

Elizabeth Lewis said...

Been praying for you all! I'm glad you are home. Praying for a fast recovery for S and rest for all 3.