Friday, October 1, 2010


Whether it's the Lortab, the events of the day, the fact that it's the normal sleeping time or the combination of all of it, I don't know ... but Samuel is sleeping. We're right about 4 hours post-op now and in a room - well, a surgical observation room, which is just a stone throw (think my 4 yr old son's stone's throw) from the room we waited in all day and no larger. Whatever, at any rate, Samuel has done fairly well. He's not fussed much and his O2 levels have been great. He fought sleep pretty hard for about an hour or so and then finally gave in a little before 10. It's 11:30 now and I tried to dose a bit ago but now sleep is evading me. Sara's back at her brother's house - hopefully sleeping.

Plan is to get an X-ray to confirm good location of the implant (S.O.P.) and then be discharged sometime tomorrow, most likely in the morning if the Dr likes what he sees. Then back home to Greenville. Will try to post again before we leave Atlanta. Now to try for some sleep ...

But first, here's a little before and after for you ...


courtney phillips said...

We will continue to pray. We pray for Samuel's comfort, peace and sleep for you and Sara, and God's healing for Samuel's ear. We love you guys very much and will be glad when you're back home safely on Tubbs Mtn Rd.


Rachel said...

Praise God!! We will be praying hard that this works and for a wonderful recovery.

Laurie said...

Hope all 3 of you were able to have a restful night. Praying that Samuel would not mind a bit having his head swaddled. ;o)