Sunday, October 28, 2007
Some News
We trust you will forgive the impersonal mass email. But scores of small conversations on this issue is currently rather hard for us to stomach.
Sara is about 21 weeks pregnant. This past Friday we went in for our “find-out-the-sex-of-the-baby” ultrasound. We found out that it is definitely a boy! At the same time we found out that our little boy has several problems. After meeting with our doctor we were sent to a specialist and had an hour long ultrasound to explore some problems that were detected. The initial results are that our son has several “defects”. Any one of them is not a huge deal in and of itself, but taken together, the doctors tell us, it’s not a good sign. He has a hole in his heart (probably the most serious). There is something in the back of his brain that is measuring small. His stomach did not contain any fluid which may indicate he is unable to swallow. And he has a cleft lip and the possibility of a cleft palate as well.
We have a second appointment tomorrow afternoon to talk with the Maternal-Fetal Medicine doctor about what all of this means. He wanted to give us the weekend to begin to process on our own before overwhelming us with details. What we do know at this point is that all of these issues could point to a chromosomal problem. If that is the case, the likelihood of our son making it to term is about 1 in 10. And of those 10% that make it to term, only 10% make it to 1 year. We don’t know what exactly the Lord has in store for us and our son but already we can see his hand of provision, love and care upon us as we face what seems to be a dark providence.
We simply wanted to inform you all as our family of faith and ask that you would ask our father for his intervention -- in our son’s body and in our spirits. We need wisdom, faith, rest, perseverance and to trust the Lord for daily grace and surely a host of other things we have not thought of. At any rate, thank you for your care for us in prayer. If we need specific things (babysitters, food, advice), don’t worry, we’ll ask.
Thank you.
grant & sara
Sara is about 21 weeks pregnant. This past Friday we went in for our “find-out-the-sex-of-the-baby” ultrasound. We found out that it is definitely a boy! At the same time we found out that our little boy has several problems. After meeting with our doctor we were sent to a specialist and had an hour long ultrasound to explore some problems that were detected. The initial results are that our son has several “defects”. Any one of them is not a huge deal in and of itself, but taken together, the doctors tell us, it’s not a good sign. He has a hole in his heart (probably the most serious). There is something in the back of his brain that is measuring small. His stomach did not contain any fluid which may indicate he is unable to swallow. And he has a cleft lip and the possibility of a cleft palate as well.
We have a second appointment tomorrow afternoon to talk with the Maternal-Fetal Medicine doctor about what all of this means. He wanted to give us the weekend to begin to process on our own before overwhelming us with details. What we do know at this point is that all of these issues could point to a chromosomal problem. If that is the case, the likelihood of our son making it to term is about 1 in 10. And of those 10% that make it to term, only 10% make it to 1 year. We don’t know what exactly the Lord has in store for us and our son but already we can see his hand of provision, love and care upon us as we face what seems to be a dark providence.
We simply wanted to inform you all as our family of faith and ask that you would ask our father for his intervention -- in our son’s body and in our spirits. We need wisdom, faith, rest, perseverance and to trust the Lord for daily grace and surely a host of other things we have not thought of. At any rate, thank you for your care for us in prayer. If we need specific things (babysitters, food, advice), don’t worry, we’ll ask.
Thank you.
grant & sara