Monday, November 17, 2008

Palate Surgery Tomorrow

We head to Atl (Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Scottish Rite) tomorrow morning for another round of surgeries - hopefully the last for quite a while!

Samuel is scheduled to have his initial palate repair, another hearing test and to be circumcised tomorrow morning. We've been told to expect a 2-3 day stay, so we might be back home on Thursday, but Friday might happen as this surgery will radically change the way he breathes - no more holes in the top of his mouth! The PICU might be where he stays depending on how his breathing goes post-op. Please do pray for a quick recovery and no breathing problems.

On another note, Samuel has been drooling like a champ recently and hasn't been able to keep his fingers out of his mouth ... well, dah, he's teething! I went fishing around in his mouth yesterday afternoon, which he didn't really fight me on, and discovered a tooth has already broken through on the bottom. No wonder he's a drooly mess?! Haven't even tried to get a picture as that would be pretty difficult, but thought you'd be interested to know our little guy is growing. He is also up to 17 lbs now. Nice little chunker.

Will update as soon as we can after the surgery. Thank you for your prayers.


Anxious AF said...

Thinking of you

Marcie said...

One of our girls, Abbey, was born with a cleft palate. So, we will be having surgery in 9 months or so, too. It was just her soft palate, so that makes it less severe. I will be praying for you guys today.